To make this website work well, we sometimes install small data files called "cookies" on your device. Most of the big sites do the same.

How to control cookies?

You can check, modify or withdraw your consent regarding cookies by clicking on the blue round icon at the bottom left on any page of this website. 

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text string that websites save on your computer or mobile device while you browse them. Thanks to cookies, the website remembers your actions and preferences (for eg. login, language, font size and other display settings) so that you do not have to re-enter them when you return to the website or browse from one page to another.

How do we use cookies, and which cookies do we use?

NameTypePurpose and description of cookies
Session Cookie CMSTechnical CookieThis website can store login details, settings and preferences, in addition to the data entered in the cart, where present. These cookies remain on the device only while the browser is open, do not record any information permanently and are deleted once the browser is closed. They are associated with an anonymous user and do not in any way refer to the identity of the actual user who is browsing.
Permanent Cookie CMSTechnical CookieThis site may use technical cookies that store any contents of the user's cart (duration 1 day) or which are related to the saving of access data to the reserved areas of the site (duration one year).
This second case occurs only if the user gives explicit consent to the saving of access data by selecting a specific option.).
Google AnalyticsThird party cookiesThis site uses this type of web analysis service provided by Google Inc. to obtain aggregate statistical information useful for evaluating the use of the website and the activities carried out by the visitor. Google stores the information collected by the cookie on servers that can also be located in the United States.
Google reserves the right to transfer the information collected with its cookie to third parties where this is required by law or where the third party processes information on its behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google in order to obtain a more detailed user profile.
Further information on privacy management and / or on how to refuse or delete this type of cookie is available by clicking this link.
L' The User can selectively disable the action of Google Analytics by installing the opt-out component provided by Google on his browser. To disable the collection of data by Google Analytics click this link.
Embedded ContentsThird party cookiesThis website may use sometimes Youtube and Vimeo videos, contents of social networks Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Google Maps and in general, if necessary, embeddable contents of other platforms.
This website cannot control the cookies that these third-party sites deliver, and for this reason it is advisable to inquire directly with each third party to have more control over these cookies.
Here are some useful links to the third-party cookie policies mentioned:
Yandex MetricaThird party cookiesThis website occasionally uses these cookies to optimize the web pages of its site by analyzing the movements of users anonymously within the site.
For more information on Yandex Metrica policiesclick here.
DoubleClickThird party cookiesThis site uses the DoubleClick third-party service to show the banners on the pages.
The service is used in a basic way and therefore without any kind of behavioral analysis.
For more information on these cookiesclick here.
Google FontsThird party cookiesThis site uses fonts from the Google Fonts service in some parts of the site.
For information on these cookiesclicca qui.

Name of cookiesTypeFirst partyDeadlinePurpose
CFID and CFTOKENTechnical CookieFirst party30 yearsThese are technical cookies, strictly necessary for the server to operate correctly.
They do not contain any information that can personally identify a user or that can be used by third parties.
JSESSIONIDTechnical CookieFirst partyat the end of the session
ECOMMERCE.TRACKINGTechnical CookieFirst party24 hoursSave any contents of the customer's cart.
displayCookieConsentTechnical CookieFirst party12 monthsThis type of cookie is used to keep track of the user's consent, and possibly not repeat the information on cookies on future pages or possibly on the user's second visit.

Name of cookiesTypeThird partyDeadlinePurpose
_gaAnalytical cookieThird party2 yearsIt keeps track, anonymously, of the pages you visit and produces statistical data that we use to monitor the use of the site and improve the quality of the service we offer you.
_gatAnalytical cookieThird party10 minutesUsed to distinguish between different tracking objects created in the session, it is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.
__utmbAnalytical cookieThird party2 years from the last updateThese cookies are used to collect information on how users use our site.
We use the information to write reports and to improve the site.
The cookies collect information anonymously, including the number of visitors in the website, where they come from and the pages they visited.
__utmaAnalytical cookieThird party30 minutes from the last update
__utmcAnalytical cookieThird party6 months from the last update
__utmzAnalytical cookieThird party6 months from the last update
NIDThird party6 monthsThis cookie stores user preferences and information each time they visit web pages containing geographic maps of Google Maps. Google uses these to help personalize the ads in Google properties.
Third party2 yearsThis cookie stores user preferences and information each time they visit web pages containing geographic maps of Google Maps, Google uses these to help personalize the ads in Google properties.

How to control cookies?

You can check, modify or withdraw your consent regarding cookies by clicking on the round blue icon at the bottom left on any page of this website.

For the management of cookies, the configuration of each browser is different: